A Slipping Down Life

Okay...for anybody familiar with indy films you will recognize that I stole my title from a Guy Pearce movie. I will probably be sued, so if Burning Stickman sends out a request for money I hope that all you good readers will see fit to send a dollar. That will give me about three dollars to use toward the lawsuit. I used this title for several reason. One: I love that movie. Two: I love that soundtrack. Three: Guy Pearce is the shit. Four: It seemed appropriate for the theme of today's blog.
I realized today that I had neglected to post for the last two weeks. There are reasons behind this that make my absence plausible. Since around the middle of December Brandy was down with feminine problems. After several visits to the OB-GYN, we found out exactly nothing that she didn't already know or suspect to begin with. We suspected a possible tubal pregnancy, which can have very bad consequences if not taken care of, but the 80 year old doctor (I use this word with a large helping of Sarcasm Squishee) just kept prescribing pills and suggested that we wait until it all worked itself out naturally. In my mind this was not a very good plan at all, since the end result of waiting could have spelled a ruptured fallopian tube for my fiancee.
The next big result was that my dad had to be put into immediate surgery to unblock a clot in his left leg. There was a chance that he would lose his leg from the knee down. Thanks to great surgeons, he came through alright, but another event transpired while we were in the waiting room. Brandy, who had been in deep pain for the better part of a month, suddenly felt something give way. Luckily it was not a burst fallopian tube. Unluckily it had been a tubal pregnancy and had miscarried itself.
Needless to say, it was a very tough time for Brandy and myself. We both retreated into ourselves to escape from discussing the obvious. We finally pulled ourselves out of the deep funk that we had elapsed into, only to have Brandy get the flu this week. There are times in our lives when we feel like we are giving so much of ourselves; whether to a job, or to a relationship, or to other people that we feel like we are slipping away. Whenever I felt this way I would always get a text from Brandy telling me she loved me, or a call from John to make me laugh. These little things helped me to have the strength to give more of myself to help others recover. Now Brandy is recovering, dad is recovering, and my friend Chuck (who I forgot to talk about but was in a wreck) is recovering.
And now I look back and see how much time I actually lost while I was taking care of, and comforting my family. I have spent the better part of this new year going from one family crisis to the next and bolstering my loved ones in their time of need. Time can slip by very fast if you are not looking and concentrating on important things. But I realized that it's not the slipping down of life that we should turn our attention to, but the pulling back up that is important. Everyone slips. Into depression. Into debt. Into ill health. It's our ability to help pull the people that we love out of these slips that make our lives more meaningful and rich. It has made me aware that the next time that I feel like I am living a slipping down life, and that I don't have the strength or resources to make it through, that there will always be someone to lend a shoulder or hand to help me. And as long as I can I will do the same for others.
Note: Sorry this wasn't a humorous blog. I'll be back in the swing soon.
I realized today that I had neglected to post for the last two weeks. There are reasons behind this that make my absence plausible. Since around the middle of December Brandy was down with feminine problems. After several visits to the OB-GYN, we found out exactly nothing that she didn't already know or suspect to begin with. We suspected a possible tubal pregnancy, which can have very bad consequences if not taken care of, but the 80 year old doctor (I use this word with a large helping of Sarcasm Squishee) just kept prescribing pills and suggested that we wait until it all worked itself out naturally. In my mind this was not a very good plan at all, since the end result of waiting could have spelled a ruptured fallopian tube for my fiancee.
The next big result was that my dad had to be put into immediate surgery to unblock a clot in his left leg. There was a chance that he would lose his leg from the knee down. Thanks to great surgeons, he came through alright, but another event transpired while we were in the waiting room. Brandy, who had been in deep pain for the better part of a month, suddenly felt something give way. Luckily it was not a burst fallopian tube. Unluckily it had been a tubal pregnancy and had miscarried itself.
Needless to say, it was a very tough time for Brandy and myself. We both retreated into ourselves to escape from discussing the obvious. We finally pulled ourselves out of the deep funk that we had elapsed into, only to have Brandy get the flu this week. There are times in our lives when we feel like we are giving so much of ourselves; whether to a job, or to a relationship, or to other people that we feel like we are slipping away. Whenever I felt this way I would always get a text from Brandy telling me she loved me, or a call from John to make me laugh. These little things helped me to have the strength to give more of myself to help others recover. Now Brandy is recovering, dad is recovering, and my friend Chuck (who I forgot to talk about but was in a wreck) is recovering.
And now I look back and see how much time I actually lost while I was taking care of, and comforting my family. I have spent the better part of this new year going from one family crisis to the next and bolstering my loved ones in their time of need. Time can slip by very fast if you are not looking and concentrating on important things. But I realized that it's not the slipping down of life that we should turn our attention to, but the pulling back up that is important. Everyone slips. Into depression. Into debt. Into ill health. It's our ability to help pull the people that we love out of these slips that make our lives more meaningful and rich. It has made me aware that the next time that I feel like I am living a slipping down life, and that I don't have the strength or resources to make it through, that there will always be someone to lend a shoulder or hand to help me. And as long as I can I will do the same for others.
Note: Sorry this wasn't a humorous blog. I'll be back in the swing soon.
And they're all lucky enough to have you to lend a hand. Aren't familys wonderful!
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