New York, New York: Pictures
This is Smith's Bar. I spent a lot of time here since it was right across the street from my hotel.
This is my friend John who was also in New York the same time I was. He helped me close down some of the bars at 4:00 am.
This is me and my new friend Audrey. She worked at Smith's Bar and I had some pretty good laughs with her. It rained the last two days I was there and here I am dripping all over her (literaly and figuratively). She was one of the cool people that made my trip to New York worth it.
Here's a couple of me on the day I left. Did I mention that it was raining?
Her's me at LaGuardia airport at the National Geographic store. The bear was trained...and no one was hurt while posing for this picture.
This is me the day after I got back. I had to go into work to fix some stuff, even though I had the day off.
Looks like you had a pretty good trip, thanks for sharing the photos. I personally like the one of you and the bear the best. Looking forward to more stories of your trip.
is this the one at the 7eleven?
By the way, I think it's nice that you make friends with "special people" like John.
At last, I get to see what you look like! Now I've got a face to go with the writen voice (and a very nice face it is)
Now I feel like I know you a little better.
Hello? Did you leave town again?
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